Lisa Marie Buster
In love with Jesus Christ. Lisa has devoted her life to going out into the streets and the lanes to see that the poor and crippled of heart find the kind of love and healing only Jesus can give.
Born in California and raised in Oregon, Lisa Marie Buster spent her childhood singing with her Mom and Grandparents around the house. As time passed she began to sing in church. 1985 marked the year Lisa Marie Buster began professionally singing when she led her band Destiny. For the next seven years, Lisa Marie Buster traveled around the Western states performing and releasing an album with the band. During this time in her life Lisa Marie Buster met and married her husband, Mike Buster, who travels with her now as her sound man and manager. Mike and Lisa Buster live in Roseburg, Oregon with their sons Josiah and Alex.
1992 marked the year Lisa Marie Buster went solo in her singing career. Throughout her solo career she has been able to minister around the country singing in schools, colleges, churches, and youth organizations.
In her musical career Lisa Marie has recorded six CDs which contain original music written from personal experience. Growing up as a young child in a broken home, and experiencing the loss of her Mother to cancer when she was seven, Lisa Marie shares her own experiences of life through testimony and song. Included in those experiences are the experiences of friends, family, and others who tell her their story because, “once someone has told me their story it then becomes a part of my experiences too.”
Stepping on stage, Lisa Marie Buster has three messages she wants to share with her audience before they leave her concerts. The first one is to tell her audience whether rich or poor, large or small– by man’s standards– Jesus has the power to heal and save them, and He will return soon. Her second message is that a personal relationship with Jesus is the key to overcoming the heartaches of life, and to finding hope.
Lastly, as she leans into her audience and lowers her voice she begins to tell her audience how to find hope and Jesus…she talks about prayer. She implores everyone to take one step closer to God in their personal relationship with Him by praying daily
At the end of all concerts, Lisa Marie Buster includes an alter call and allows time to pray with those who ask her as she watches those from the streets and the lanes find their way to Jesus.